
Happy 4th!

What gives you a spark?

Happy 4th!

Every now and then, I get a "spark," something that lights me up like a firework.  What about you?  


This week it was discovering tht a lily was blooming in a flower pot that was several years old, one that had been set aside.  And then...boom!  A bright orange lily spread it's blossom out there to the sun, claiming it's place.  


I get to claim a place tomorrow.  I am basically an introvert, barely able to post on this site, but now I'm going to be like the lily and just put myself out there.  After all these years of winning ribbons at the NM State Fair Pie Contest, tomorrow I get to be the judge for our community's pie contest.  For a change, I get to be the one with authority and something to say.  This shy girl is going to have some fun!  I expect it to be a "spark" event.


Tell me about you.  What sparks you?  I'll pick a couple of stories out of those sent in to repost here in a week.  Let me know by July 15th.  Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Oh, and if you're looking for a 4th of July pie, try this one!  Blissful Blueberry at: https://piepals.com/recipes/all-pies/item/blissful-blueberry-pie?highlight=WyJibHVlYmVycnkiLCJwaWUiLCJwaWUncyIsImJsdWViZXJyeSBwaWUiXQ==


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Author; Rebecca Jo Dakota

About the Author

Rebecca Jo Dakota

Rebecca Jo Dakota

A passionate advocate for delicious, homemade pie.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

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