
About What Are You Proud?

About What Are You Proud?

Pride is a tricky thing.  It runs the spectrum from hubris (excessive self-confidence, arrogance) to a humble contentment with one's choices and actions.  Many of us, especially women, have been taught to not exhibit pride in any form:  certainly not the first kind, as in bragging, but also always to be humble, to be modest, to minimize our accomplishments, or at least to not celebrate them publicly.

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I feel quiet contentment and inward joy every time I happen to notice my license plate.  Why?  As a digital immigrant, running a web site and writing a newsletter and blog are still a slight challenge for me, one that requires me to remind myself, “I can do this.”  And then next, I have to launch into whatever it is and do it.  It takes some grit and commitment -- and humility about being on the learning curve!  

And, when it’s done, I totally get a kick out of it.

What is it in your life that requires the occasional – or frequent – “I can do this”?  Perhaps it’s parenting or going to school or a job that’s a challenge – or all three on the same day.  Or maybe it’s dealing with a physical or emotional challenge.  Maybe it’s learning a new sport or being patient or remembering to be compassionate with jerks.

Pie Pals is the result of setting an intention 7 years ago and sticking to it.  It’s been a bunch of work and money and time.

And so now, I’m tickled with the results.  This license plate, as silly and as small a thing as it is, reminds me that I’m tickled.  It feels deliciously fun!

If you, dear one reading this, feel like sharing something you’ve accomplished, anything about which you’re proud, please write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I’ll correspond with you.  Maybe you’d like to share your story?  We can talk about that.  In the meantime, keep setting your intentions and letting the universe guide you to contentment and joy.

Cheers, Rebecca

Written by: Rebecca Jo Dakota Categories: 2018

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